Taking root
BACK TO PROGRAMMING LA ROTATIVA Tierra Grata, Cesar 2022 10 minutes 3 seconds Documentary The insurgent movement in Colombia has been ongoing for the past sixty years. This journey
The Villa’s Pose
BACK TO PROGRAMMING Revolución Comedy Clemencia, Bolívar 2018 5 minutes 17 seconds Documentary Legend has it that a mythical creature appears in The Villa’s Pose; this and
BACK TO PROGRAMMING TRANSVESÍA PRODUCCIONES Montería, Córdoba 2023 4 minutes 53 seconds Fiction Mariposa (Butterfly) is a resilient woman who teaches us through her story that b
The princess of “El silencio”
BACK TO PROGRAMMING LAS RENACIENTES Buenos Aires, Cauca 2019 4 minutes 59 seconds Documentary Otilia is a social leader and member of ASOM (Association of Afrodescendant Women of N
The master of piquería
BACK TO PROGRAMMING CAÑAHUATE PRODUCCIONES Pondores, La Guajira 2023 7 minutes 52 seconds Fiction Piquería, a traditional musical genre from the Caribbean, has represented cult
Back to the root
BACK TO PROGRAMMING CHAIÑAKOVA PRODUCCIONES Florencia, Caquetá 2021 9 minutes 15 seconds Fiction María and her two younger children arrive displaced in the city of Florencia, Ca
The Korebaju woman and her knowledge
BACK TO PROGRAMMING CHAIÑAKOVA PRODUCCIONES Florencia, Caquetá 2021 5 minutes 45 seconds Documentary Marina is a leader (mayora) of the Korebaju cabildo dedicated to teaching her
Yigayo yuwuerane
BACK TO PROGRAMMING TRANSVESÍA PRODUCCIONES Montería, Córdoba 2023 8 minutes 27 seconds Documentary This story portrays experiences of transgender life. It highlights their part
Paper flowers
BACK TO PROGRAMMING MILLA 45 San Martín, Cesar 2021 12 minutes 43 seconds Documentary In 1988, Argemira Pedroza was elected mayor of San Martín, Cesar. However, before completing
Embera wera, the voice of the river
BACK TO PROGRAMMING BALUARTE PRODUCCIONES Montería, Córdoba 2023 4 minutes 27 seconds Documentary The Sinú River has a woman’s voice. Through the voice of an Embera Kati